What Is A Non-Surgical Facelift?

We know the signs, the little changes on our faces that start the aging process which if treated early on can go a long way to maintaining a youthful appearance. Steps in anti-aging have to be looked at holistically, we know that taking good care of our skin is he first step, preventing wrinkles and working towards an even tone skin is high priority. A non-surgical face lift is an excellent and non-invasive way to treat the jiles, neck and drooping of the brows.

We use the Perfector machine which uses microcurrent therapy to stimulate the muscles to lift again. The treatment takes 90 minutes and is very relaxing, it doesn’t hurt at all and so you get the bonus of a short rest to rejuvenate mentally.

We begin with a circulation program, followed by relaxation of the muscles, a superficial lift to work on the little lines and wrinkles and then a deep lift focusing on your main concern areas. We then perform a firming program for the skin to tighten and finish of by ionising an amploule into the skin. The whole treatment is done with electrodes that have current passing through them, and gently stimulate the skin, you cannot feel it much but you may see flickering lights near the eyes. There are no needles at all in this treatment and you can go straight back to work or going about your day.

You would complete a course upfront, you will see an immediate difference an you will feel it on your skin too. We recommend 10-12 sessions over 4 weeks and 3 times a week, thereafter you can maintain the treatment once a month or so, a lot of our clients will repeat the course later on.

Other treatments that we like to recommend to compliment the Perfector Treatment is BDR and Coax face tightening. Sometimes we do look at using peels and laser to even tone the skin as an add on.