How Much Is Laser Hair Removal?

Laser has really come a long way over the years. The common misconception is that laser is very expensive and it can be if you are treating your whole body, even so. It is an investment that will save you far more in the long term from a convenience point of view and in Rands too.

When we consider what we spend on waxing on average in a year and compare that to laser we can make a fair comparison and decide on the best way forward. Not only does laser reduce hair but it softens the skin and also eliminates ingrown hairs, so not only will you have no more hair but you will have a better skin surface on any area that you are treating.

Let’s compare the bikini area as an example. If you are waxing every month and spending R210 per month, you are looking at R2520 per year at an annual increase of around 5%, over 5 years your total cost will be roughly R16 000.

When you laser, you are looking at around 6 upfront sessions and the gaps between these sessions are much longer than with waxing and as you progress in your course of treatments the gaps get even longer. This gives you time to prepare financially for each one. Each session will cost R850. Comparing the same bikini laser with the same bikini wax, this means that your first 6 sessions will cost you R5100 and this is spaced out over 8 weeks after your first session and then 10 weeks and then 12 weeks so your first year of laser is going to be your first set with the results being less and less hair each time and a longer time of not needing to worry about it at all.

In your second year of laser, you are looking at two or maybe 3 sessions max to maintain the hair removal and this will then become your annual maintenance of R850 – 900 only once or twice a year if necessary. Your cost for laser then over the 5 years is R12 800.

The reason that we need to do 6 sessions up front is that with each one, around 20% of your hairs are in what we call the growth phase. This means that the follicle is nice and plump and getting a full blood supply. The laser is attracted to red and brown and so if each time we get 20% of the hairs, 6 sessions should cover you completely. Hair is designed to regenerate though and this is why we do need to maintain those hairs that come back even after being zapped!

We also have a good sense for which hairs will give us good results and which are not going to work well. We offer a complimentary patch test where you can come in and have a consultation to decide on the best way forward for you. To view our full price list click here.